Power BI

Home  Power BI

The next-generation Analytics solution for planning, forecasting, financial reporting, and master data management extending the Microsoft Power BI platform

Transform data into opportunity with Microsoft Power BI's analytics.

1. Solution ROI

Comprehensive Data Visualization 📊

Offers rich, interactive reports and dashboards.

Seamless Integration 🔗

Connects with various data sources, including Excel and cloud-based services.

AI-Powered Analytics

Provides advanced analytics capabilities with simplicity.

Collaboration and Sharing 👥

Facilitates easy sharing and collaboration across your

2. Value-added Service

Microsoft Power BI has been instrumental in driving business intelligence transformation, offering substantial ROI through enhanced data-driven decision-making and productivity improvements across a global user base.

3. Problem Solving in Business

Power BI addresses the critical need for accessible, powerful analytics, enabling businesses to understand their data, uncover insights quickly, and make informed decisions that drive growth and efficiency.

4. Value in Numbers

Microsoft Power BI redefines business intelligence, offering a comprehensive, easy-to-use analytics platform that empowers businesses to gain insights from their data, enhancing decision- making and strategic planning.


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5. Business Value

Empowering organizations to leverage their data effectively, Microsoft Power BI drives significant business value by enhancing data visualization, streamlining report generation, and fostering a culture of informed decision-making.

Strategic Planning

Data Visualization

Informed Decisions

Solution in a nutshell!

Success Stories

Shifting from Excel-based Reporting

Shifting from Excel-based Reporting


  1. Regular Reports take huge time of professionals
  2. Same data cleaning activities are conducted on every month
  3. Final Excel files were hard to retrieve in case of any issue
  4. Excel can only handle limited data and it was not possible to do analysis on excel


  1. Save Time
  2. Same Professional can do some other value-added assignments
  3. Enhanced Insights with Power BI


  1. Automation of Regular monthly reports with just one click of the refresh button.
  2. Data cleaning activity is done one time in Power Query / Power BI. The Power BI Dashboard can be reviewed on Mobile Devices as well through the internet
  3. Only one Final File is prepared which is within the access of relevant officials

Success Stories

Shifting from Excel-based Reporting

Shifting from Excel-based Reporting


  1. Data was gathered from more than one source which was done on monthly basis.
  2. Regular Reports take huge time of professionals
  3. Live Reporting was not possible in Excel
  4. Excel can only handle limited data and it was not possible to do analysis on excel


  1. Save Time
  2. Same Professional can do some other value-added assignments
  3. Enhanced Insights with Power BI


  1. Live Reporting was possible in Power BI Dashboard Automation of Regular monthly reports with just one click of the refresh button.
  2. Data cleaning activity is done one time in Power Query / Power BI.
  3. The Power BI Dashboard can be reviewed on Mobile Devices as well through the internet
